Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Technical information on core values

Technical information on core values:

Options values:

These values are located at the database page name 'sys.options_table' These values can be edited with the CODE editor only and values can be added to this table by following this syntax. Any new values and their descriptions will be added to the settings list without any further adjustments.

[1] main template
[2] use template as location of page HTML? (no/template)
[3] location of page HTML if location is not template
[4] location of CSS for user pages
[5] administrative title
[6] copyright information
[7] page title
[8] website name title
[9] page description location
[10] location of admin main menu CSS
[11] admin main menu template
[12] allow file upload open (yes/no)
[13] allow file upload secure (yes/no)
[14] allow file upload list open (yes/no)
[15] allow file upload list secure (yes/no)
[16] allow store file list 'PHP' (yes/no)
[17] allow store file list 'HTML' (yes/no)
[18] reverse file list order (yes/no)
[19] login to menu path from '/core/system/'
[20] WPC core version
,default_template,no,default_template,css.index,Web Press Creative,Web Press Creative - Copyright 2013,Web Press Creative version 5.63,Web Press Creative,default,css_main,default_template,yes,yes,yes,yes,yes,yes,yes,fortomb/secure/menu/gui_cms_menu/menu.php,5.63

Above is how the options table appears in the CODE editor. It is easy to read and only follows a few guidelines to work properly. First the values must always be separated by comma's and can never be placed in the description area. The values already in place can not be changed in their order or removed. There can never be a NULL or empty value between comma's and the value itself can not contain any comma's. If a comma is needed in the value a hex value can be used '%2C'.

The area before the values begin above '[end]' are where the descriptions of the values are placed. There must be a description for each value this is not optional. The description must be placed after its designator within the brackets '[' and ']' only. This description must be in the exact location as the value counting from left to right. This description will be shown along with its value in the setting menu section. These values are encoded in hex within the database and in some cases code such as HTML will be lost in the second conversion so it must be converted to another value in this table then translated by the script using it later. The last set '[end]' must always remain and be the last in the description list.

This table can hold a very large number of values, the values should be kept to a minimal length as not to use up available size allowed at its maximum length. The value between brackets in the descriptions will match the values array element within the $options[x] variable and will be applied to that variable by the the configuration script within the core. That value is globally available throughout the website.

Configure values:

These values are located at the database page name 'sys.config_values' These values can be edited with the CODE editor only and values can be added to this table by following this syntax. Any new values and their descriptions will be added to the settings list without any further adjustments.

[1] domain name ($domain_name)
[2] advertisement ($advertise)
[3] session time in seconds ($session_time)
[4] analytics tracking code ($tracking_code)
[5] ad rotate script location
^webpresscreative.org^Web Press Creative Community Project <a class="link_w" href="http://webpresscreative.org" target="_blank">webpresscreative.org</a> Tulsa, Oklahoma^12000^<script> (function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){i['GoogleAnalyticsObject']=r;i[r]=i[r]||function(){ (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o), m=s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0];a.async=1;a.src=g;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m) })(window,document,'script','//www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js','ga'); ga('create', 'UA-44773651-1', 'webpresscreative.org'); ga('send', 'pageview'); </script>^http://webpresscreative.org/store/build/avt.php

Above is how the configure values data appears in the CODE editor. It is easy to read and only follows a few guidelines to work properly. First the values must always be separated by '^' and can never be placed in the description area. The values already in place can not be changed in their order or removed. There can never be a NULL or empty value between separators and the value itself can contain any comma's.

The area before the values begin above '[end]' are where the descriptions of the values are placed. There must be a description for each value this is not optional. The description must be placed after its designator within the brackets '[' and ']' only. This description must be in the exact location as the value counting from left to right. This description will be shown along with its value in the setting menu section. These values are encoded in hex within the database and in some cases code such as HTML will be lost in the second conversion so it must be converted to another value in this table then translated by the script using it later. The last set '[end]' must always remain and be the last in the description list.

This table can hold a very large number of values, the values should be kept to a minimal length as not to use up available size allowed at its maximum length. The value between brackets in the descriptions will match the values array element within the $options[x] variable and will be applied to that variable by the the configuration script within the core. That value is globally available throughout the website.

All core values can be obtained by using the 'get_core_values.php' script located in '/core/system/includes/'. The includes and functions scripts can not be executed directly, they all need to be included withing the script that uses them and that script needs to have data from the configure script as well.

The retrieve core values data it will be contained as a string in '$core_value_set'. This variable is an array with each set of core values contained in each element of the array. Data separator is '|' descriptions are separated by a comma, data is in an encoded hex string in each element.

$core_value_set[0] contains core version information

$core_value_set[1] contains options values

$core_value_set[2] contains configuration values

$core_value_set[3] contains database credentials

$core_value_set[4] contains installed secure functions list

$core_value_set[5] contains installed open functions list

$core_value_set[6] contains the administrative user and password

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