Thursday, January 2, 2014

Web Press Creative ... No clowning around

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Web Press Creative ...
No clowning around 

open source freeware download
Web Press Creative GUI CMS Website

NEW! Facebook Plug-in for Web Press Creative with many
new features see the 
myFBpage plug-in see details here!!

Current version is v5.63.6 - Check your installed core version in the settingsmenu for this version v5.63.6 biuld date 2014-01-08.

download current version -
Web Press Creative website:
Report bugs:
WPC Evil Clown
Web Press Creative (WPC) is a Content Management System (CMS) website with a new angle on the design. Although WPC is designed to be used primarily as a CMS website, there are some very unique ideas built into it. The development and design is centered at the core of the application in being “globally evolving”, The design of WPC’s core is designed to be limited only by the limitations of the database in as the maximum data that can be stored in a single table row column and since the values WPC’s core uses to function are very small per column row making WPC almost limitless in the growth and complexity of its application core. Also the core is written and arranged is such a way that adding any new secondary applications and functions act in the same manner as current “plug and play” devices do on present computer systems operating systems. The manner in which the WPC core functions makes it very flexible, adding variables and new values to its core are added to the database in a previously existing table column row string and in no way effects original values and can also be easily removed or changed without any changes to previous existing database structures instantly without interruption.
Develop additional packages and upload it here..

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Thank you

New theme template
sets coming soon -

Please report any problems
with WPC and suggestions
are always welcome:

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Whats in development right now?

Web Press Creative developers are beginning development on the following:

Development has begun on a template/plug-in set that will allow Web Press Creative users to build their own personal social website that is linked with Facebook and allows for bi-directional posting with any Facebook account displaying the Facebook page content, sorting, storage and editing along with many other types of data manipulation and usages with additional options of functionality that Facebook does not offer with the Facebook page alone.

Requests for functions, services and features is very important to our developers at this stage of the development so if there is anything you have always wanted Facebook could do or have any great ideas you want to share now is the time to tell us. We can make it happen! Let us know what you would like!!

More information on the progress on this project will be available as it is available.

Thank you,
Donald Dion Web Press Creative web application developer.

Update: The WPC Package installer is now available and included with the current version 5.63.6! [ WPC self install plug-in this plug-in will self install additional add-on's, template sets and other future available scripts and updates. ]

New template theme sets are coming soon !

WPC language compiler for a symbolic scripting language that loads and utilizes core functions and includes scripts with simple directives that compiles scripting from a database library containing WPC 'Web Press Creative Preprocessed Context' directives along with the PHP functions making PHP script writing for Web Press Creative quick and simple.

Developer Pages:

Whats in development right now?

Web Press Creative v5.63.3 Install Instructions

Friday, December 20, 2013

WEB PRESS CREATIVE ... a different kind of CMS

WEB PRESS CREATIVE ... a different kind of CMS

Web Press Creative (WPC) is a Content Management System (CMS) website with a new angle on the design. Although WPC is designed to be used primarily as a CMS website, there are some very unique ideas built into it. The development and design is centered at the core of the application in being “globally evolving”, meaning as the application becomes more complex and advanced and as additional functions and plug-in's are added to the core design the application itself will not need to be re-engineered or take on any changes to the scripts already in use.

Advanced GUI CMS Menu

As an example, most other designs in current use by other developers will build the applications around a structured database in which the tables and columns are in a state that puts limits on even minor changes and has a predetermined limit on functionality without making major changes to its database and all scripts using those affected database tables.

To make the changes that type of design would require the website to be completely shut down and re-written or patches to be applied, and once again limits would be inherent to its design with repeating those steps again and again.

That is a complete polar opposite to the foresight intensely developed into WPC. The design of WPC’s core is designed to be limited only by the limitations of the database in as the maximum data that can be stored in a single table row column and since the values WPC’s core uses to function are very small per column row making WPC almost limitless in the growth and complexity of its application core.

Also the core is written and arranged is such a way that adding any new secondary applications and functions act in the same manner as current “plug and play” devices do on present computer systems operating systems.

Additional software added to WPC is installed in the same type of action as Microsoft Windows installers and also have auto uninstall functionality deleting all files, folders and core values back to the state before the installation was made.

The core itself is developed in the same engineering order as any computer system, software and OS in which starting with a machine orated user unfriendly code system is first order, a primary programing language, CLI and void of any complex graphical user interface (GUI). As in layers of application complexity the languages become increasingly more powerful and easier to recall and use for the human user communicating with the machine.

Automated complex coding grouped into independent directives take the place of hundreds of lines of the code evolutionary lower than the one relative to the one the user currently operates.

Steps in this machine evolutionary language chain are completely necessary for the directives used in GUI's to work properly within every possible program environment without error.

WPC of course is limited by the operation of its environment, being server sided creating certain conditions which some elements of communication from user to machine, functionality and speed are greatly reduced in comparison to running an application and OS with the machine at the users location.

Security restrictions also play a major role in these limitations. WPC is engineered with evolutionary languages similar as described in the previous paragraphs of this document.

Using CLI type functionality and independently core wide sub-scripting makes adding applications by developers independent from core engineering developers simple to develop.

Built in design of plug-in type of applications remain consistent with the over all functionality, appearance and layout without any modifications and chances of application error become less likely.

The manner in which the WPC core functions makes it very flexible, adding variables and new values to its core are added to the database in a previously existing table column row string and in no way effects original values and can also be easily removed or changed without any changes to previous existing database structures instantly without interruption.

Data is stored in a single mySQL column row which maximizes page load speeds along with sever sided gzip compression makes WPC very fast with data transfers over the internet.

Coding also is written in its simplest form to optimize process speed and limit the chance of error.

Another insight into design is WPC’s functionality for the user to develop scripts on the fly and on the server without uploading. Security option features allow for scripts to be ran with a low level of possibility of a breach by unauthorized intruders.

Single allowable administrative users insure some level of anti-interception. But without an SSL user/password transmission over the internet is in plain text.

Scripts are executed from the server path independent from the domain or relative root/path. Themes and templates are embedded into page scripts by the “include” directive and not echo to the browser.

It has been a priority to place as much page data and values data in the database as allowed including HTML and CSS in as for reliable functionality will allow.

All these combined invites the administrative user to be creative within sessions. Uploading, deletion and control over these within an advanced menu system, access to all core database column rows and values with just a mouse click. Independent add-on specialized advanced user friendly GUI menus and custom options.

WPC is much more than an ordinary CMS website, the possibilities are virtually limitless.

No limitations, full version always free to the public.

Thank you,

Donald Dion
WPC Developer
CEO Softnet Technologies - Tulsa, OK

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Installation of Web Press Creative

Installation of Web Press Creative:

Above is the install script that is initiated at first run, this script is located in '/install_files/install.php'. All fields must have values for the install to complete, this includes the 'optional' value which acts as a placeholder if not replaced by a valid analytics script.

The 'footer message' will be added to the footer of each page, the default has a link back to Web Press Creative at and can contain any HTML wanted to be placed at the footer of each page within the area's limits.

Database credentials are needed at this point so the install script can create all needed tables and add data to them. The mySQL database must first be created through your hosting provider, it does not need to be an empty database the install will drop all tables that apply and with the prefix 'wpc_' only.

There are several tools available with the install package, these can be found at '/install_files/tools/'. These include 'code.php' which encodes and decodes any text into hex values, this is important as the database is encoded in hex. The 'v_test.php' script tests some important core values and sends those values to the browser for troubleshooting 'config.php' if necessary. 'keypasswrd.php' is used if the administration user and password is lost and will create new ones. It is very important to delete this and all install files from the server after use or the website will be vulnerable to compromise and unauthorized access.

Be sure install deleted all folders and files in the install directory '/install_files/' and the directory itself as well after install completes.


iSpell located in 'optional browser plug-in' folder is included in this package and is optional to install. It provides a spell check function for the editors and has no other function or purpose.

Web Press Creative incompatibility issues:

Important items to note about Web Press Creative is some incompatible issues with older browsers and some hosting providers that may exist that cause the scripts to not function. It is mandatory that all scripts are uploaded and are executed from the root directory in '/', 'public_html' or 'htdocs' of the server. Web Press Creative will not work if it is placed any other place on the server. Hosting server must be Linux OS and Apache server with PHP and mySQL database.

Recommend using Filezilla FTP client to upload files to server, a free download from the following website address:

A free hosting provider that will not cause this to be an issue is '' if you choose to use free hosting with a free sub-domain this is an excellent hosting provider to use.

Another issue involves Microsoft's IE 8 and older browsers which are no longer used as of Windows 7. In this case using Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox browsers will work. If your operating system is Windows XP Internet Explorer will not work with Web Press Creative and you must use one of the other mentioned browsers. Internet Explorer 10 has some other minor issues with the appearance of the Menu as it is a non-compliance browser there is a known issue with CSS borders in the settings section in some cases but does not effect the operation of the website.

Please report any bugs found to:

GNU GPL v3 License:


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, Licensor provides the Work (and each Contributor provides its Contributions) on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied, including, without limitation, any warranties or conditions of TITLE, NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY, or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. You are solely responsible for determining the appropriateness of using or redistributing the Work and assume any risks associated with Your exercise of permissions under this License.

This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software.

You MAY distribute it and charge for that service. Of course, you MAY accomplish changes, add design and content to it and you MAY charge for that. When distributing you must clearly state what you have changed in Web Press Creative.

Important: You MAY NOT alter the license and/or the copyright.
Copyright hints are present inside the source code and also inside the generated output. Both may not be altered.

You must NOT pretend that Web Press Creative has been developed solely by you and market WPC in that way. If you intend on selling the WPC core, you MUST contact Web Press Creative developers and explain what you intend to do and why. WPC is available as a free download so charging for the application will need to have had custom changes specific to it for there to be reasonable to charge for it. And it is mandatory that WPC be notified for permission prior to distributing.

Web Press Creative uses libraries and other programs: iSpell - Copyright (c) 2002-2010 Red Egg Software All Rights Reserved., TinyMCE - Copyright (c) 2008 Moxiecode Systems AB. All rights reserved.

You also have to take care about the licenses of these third party components. For any questions on these third party components please ask the respective owner of the copyright directly.

Friday, December 13, 2013

Technical information using and developing functions scripts

Technical information using and developing functions scripts:

Functions scripts can not be executed directly, they need to be included in another script for use and require variables from config.php by using the following code:

include_once ($doc_root.'/core/system/config/config.php');'

Functions are located in both the secured area and non-secured area 'open' in the '/fortomb/' directory '/core/system/fortomb/secure/functions/' and '/core/system/fortomb/open/functions/' . Each funtion must have several elements to the script to identify the function and give its description as explained below:

Below is an example of the code:

include_once ($doc_root.'/core/system/config/config.php');
$functions_name="Administrative HTML file list secure function - This function allows the administrator to view these files in both ascending or descending order while logged in even if the open version is not allowed. Also allows for file deletion.";
if($funct_off !== "yes") {
require ($doc_root.'/core/system/includes/secure.php');
if($status !== "secure") {echo "<a href=\"http://".$domain_name."/core/system/admin/login.php\"><u>Click here to login.</u></a>"; exit;}

if($options[15] == "yes") {




str_replace('secure', '', $templ_data, $true);
if($true > 0) {

include ($doc_root.'/core/system/includes/db_wpc_core.php');
include ($doc_root.'/core/system/includes/db_wpc_core.php');

$dir = $doc_root.'/store/html/';
$files_dir = scandir($dir);
$files_dir[0] = NULL;
$files_dir[1] = NULL;
if($options[18] !== "yes") {$files_dir = array_reverse($files_dir);}

include ($doc_root.'/core/system/includes/templates/'.$template.'/menu_html_inc/inc_menu_header.php');
echo $page_html;
echo "<form id=\"delete_form\" name=\"delete_form\" method=\"post\" action=\"admin_html_files_list.php\">";
echo "<table width=\"700\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\">
<td align=\"left\">";
if($delete_number > 0) {$delete_x=$delete_number+1; unlink($doc_root.'/store/html/'.$files_dir[$delete_x]);}

$files_dir = scandir($dir);

foreach($files_dir as $dir_list) {
if($dir_list !== NULL && $number > 2) {

echo "<p><a class=\"link_b\" style=\"text-decoration: none;\" href=\"http://".$domain_name."/store/html/".$dir_list."\" target=\"_blank\">[".$number_list."] <u>".$dir_list."</u></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"delete\" id=\"delete\" value=\"".$number_list."\" /></p>";

echo "</td>
<tr><td align=\"right\">";
if($number_list > 0) {echo "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"button\" id=\"button\" value=\"DELETE\" />";}
echo "</td></tr>
</table></form><br /><br />";

include ($doc_root.'/core/system/includes/templates/'.$template.'/menu_html_inc/inc_menu_footer.php');
}else{echo "<p>This is a secure page non-secure data can not be displayed.</p>"; exit;}
}else{echo "<p>Function 'uploaded file list' disabled.</p>";}

The first bit of code following including the config.php script is to identify the function and give its description, the variable must remain the same as this example below:

$functions_name="Administrative HTML file list secure function - This function allows the administrator to view these files in both ascending or descending order while logged in even if the open version is not allowed. Also allows for file deletion.";

The function must be disabled during the core's scan for installed functions, this is done by the below code:

if($funct_off !== "off") { place function code here within these brackets }

The next element is for secured functions only:

require ($doc_root.'/core/system/includes/secure.php');
if($status !== "secure") {echo "<a href=\"http://".$domain_name."/core/system/admin/login.php\"><u>Click here to login.</u></a>"; exit;}

Optional code allows the administrator to disable the function:

if($options[15] == "yes") { place function code here within these brackets }

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Technical information using includes scripts

Technical information using includes scripts:

The scripts in includes can not be executed directly, they need to be included into other scripts for use. They all need to use the 'config.php' ie;

include_once ($doc_root.'/core/system/config/config.php');'

This script is mandatory for necessary values to work. These are the includes scripts that are available:











db_dump.php: This script retrieves all data within the database. This data is placed in an multi-dementional array $db_dump.

$db_dump[x][0] --> item [x][1] --> data --> $db_dump[x][0/1] $items[7/8]

db_wpc_core.php: This script retrieves all core values. The retrieved core values data it will be contained as a string in '$core_value_set'. This variable is an array with each set of core values contained in each element of the array. Data separator is '|' descriptions are separated by a comma, data is in an encoded hex string in each element.

$core_value_set[0] contains core version information

$core_value_set[1] contains options values

$core_value_set[2] contains configuration values

$core_value_set[3] contains database credentials

$core_value_set[4] contains installed secure functions list

$core_value_set[5] contains installed open functions list

$core_value_set[6] contains the administrative user and password

get_open_functions_data.php: This script retrieves all installed functions in the non-secure or 'open' section and places the data in an array: $open_functions_paths[x] --> $open_functions_names[x] --> $items[3]

get_open_menu_data.php: This script retrieves all installed menus in the non-secure or 'open' section and places the data in an array: $open_menus[x] $open_menu_paths[x] --> $open_menu_names[x] --> $items[1]

get_plugins_data.php: This script retrieves all installed plug-in's and places the data in an array: $plugin_menus[x] $plugin_paths[x] --> $plugin_names[x] --> $items[4]

get_open_functions_data.php: This script retrieves all installed functions in the secure section and places the data in an array: $secure_functions_paths[x] --> $secure_functions_names[x] --> $items[2]

get_open_menu_data.php: This script retrieves all installed menus in the secure section and places the data in an array: $secure_menus[x] $secure_menu_paths[x] --> $secure_menu_names[x] --> $items[0]

get_template_data.php: This script retrieves all installed templates and places the data in an array: $menu_path_temp[x] $template_dirs[x] $template_paths[x] --> $template_names[x] --> $items[9]

list_db_items.php: This script retrieves all data within the database. It then is separated into its item type group. This data is placed in an array: ($db_items_all[x] $db_items[x] --> $items[5] $items_title_list[x]) ($pg_name[x] $page_list[x] --> $items[6] $page_title_list[x])

secure.php: This script secures pages that require login to execute. $status="secure" user is logged in, $status="not_secured" user is not logged in.

All includes scripts are located in: '/core/system/includes/'

Technical information on developing plug-in's

Technical information on developing plug-in's:

Plug-in's allows for various operations of the core to enhance the website or additions to the administrative user addition options and control of the website and its content.

All plug-in's need to be located at this directory path: '/core/systems/plugins/' Each added plug-in must be place in its unique folder within this directory. All plug-in scripts and images need to be placed within this folder. Each plug-in needs to be identified by a script named 'plugin_name.php'. The menu for the plug-in will also be placed in this script. The plug-in menu will need to be disabled during the core's search for plug-in's installed. Below is code to disable this during that time.

if($plugin_off !== "off") { place plug-in menu code here within these brackets }

The menu HTML code should be developed in nested tables as to not effect the structure and CSS of the menu displaying this data, this menu will be included into the menu displaying it. Below is example of HTML plug-in menu code, it is important that the overall width of these tables to be set at 100% and not a set pixel width so it can fit into the displaying menu consistently with all other plug-in menus and not effect the width of the displaying menu.

$plugin_name="RSS Feed v1.0";

$plugin_menu="<table width=\"100%\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"5\">
<td> <center><div class=\"text_1\" style=\"border-bottom:#000000 solid 1px; width:100%; text-align:center\"><b>Menu for RSS Feed v1.0</b>
<div class=\"text_1\"><br />Before the RSS (Atom v1.0) will validate it needs a valid email address.<br />
The feed is located at:<br />
<b>http://".$domain_name."/rss_feed/?<span style=\"color:#0000FF;\"> [ name of the page ]</span></b>
</table><form action=\"plugins.php\" method=\"post\" enctype=\"application/x-www-form-urlencoded\" name=\"rss_feed\">
<table width=\"100%\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"5\">
<td width=\"65\" align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\"><div class=\"text_1\">email addres:</div></td>
<td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\"><input class=\"detail\" name=\"rss_email_address\" type=\"text\" value=\"".$array_values[1]."\" /></td>
<td width=\"65\" align=\"right\" valign=\"middle\"><input class=\"button\" style=\"cursor:pointer; font-size:10px; font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color:#0000FF; font-weight:bold;\" name=\"submit_rss_email\" type=\"submit\" value=\" Save \"></td>
<table width=\"100%\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"5\">
<td align=\"left\" valign=\"middle\"><div class=\"text_1\">To delete this plug-in click on this delete button.</div></td>
<td width=\"65\" align=\"right\" valign=\"middle\"><input class=\"button\" onClick=\"return confirm('Are you sure you want to delete this plug-in?')\" style=\"cursor:pointer; font-size:10px; font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color:#FF0000; font-weight:bold;\" name=\"delete_rss_feed\" type=\"submit\" value=\"Delete\" /></td>
</table><table width=\"100%\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"5\">
<td><center><div style=\"border-bottom:#000000 solid 1px; width:100%; text-align:center;\"></div></center></td>
</table></form><br />";
The two variables that the core will be gathering data from are: '$plugin_name' and '$plugin_menu'.

Delete plug-in function must have this exact code below and all buttons on this menu must ust the exact CSS and style as this button as well.

<input class=\"button\" onClick=\"return confirm('Are you sure you want to delete this plug-in?')\" style=\"cursor:pointer; font-size:10px; font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color:#FF0000; font-weight:bold;\" name=\"delete_rss_feed\" type=\"submit\" value=\"Delete\" />

The code to delete the plug-in must also have certain elemts included for the delete to function properly. Below is an example of a delete script, all that needs be changed is the directories, folders and file names of the plug-in to be deleted.

ini_set('display_errors', 'off');
@mysql_select_db($db_name, $con) or die(mysql_error());

@mysql_query("DELETE QUICK FROM wpc_core WHERE pagename = sys.email_rss");


function deleteFiles($dir,$doc_r) {
str_replace('.', '', $dir, $true);
if($true == 0) {$dirct=$doc_r.$dir.'/'; $file_list=scandir($dirct);}
while(strlen($file_list[$cnt]) > 0) {
str_replace('.', '', $file_list[$cnt], $true);
if (file_exists($dirct.$file_list[$cnt]) && $true > 0)
 {unlink($dirct.$file_list[$cnt]); $file_list[$cnt]=NULL;}
while($elmt > $cnt) {
if(strlen($file_list[$cnt]) > 0) {$folder=$file_list[$cnt];}
return $folder;

while(strlen($run[2]) > 0) {
while(strlen($rem_dir) > 0 || strlen($files_s) > 0) {
$dir_fldrs[$nxt]=$doc_root.$dir_add; $nxt++;
str_replace('.', '', $rem_dir, $true);
if($true == 0 && strlen($rem_dir) > 0) {$files_s=scandir($doc_root.$dir_add.'/');}
} $nxt=count($dir_fldrs);
while($nxt > 0) {
if(strlen($dir_fldrs[$nxt-1]) > 0) {
if (file_exists($dir_fldrs[$nxt-1])) {$files_l=scandir($dir_fldrs[$nxt-1].'/');}
if(strlen($files_l[2]) == 0) {
if (file_exists($dir_fldrs[$nxt-1])) {rmdir($dir_fldrs[$nxt-1]);}}}
if (file_exists($doc_root.$base_dir)) {$files_l=scandir($doc_root.$base_dir.'/');}
if(strlen($files_l[2]) == 0) {
if (file_exists($doc_root.$base_dir)) {rmdir($doc_root.$base_dir);}}

while(strlen($run[2]) > 0) {
while(strlen($rem_dir) > 0 || strlen($files_s) > 0) {
$dir_fldrs[$nxt]=$doc_root.$dir_add; $nxt++;
str_replace('.', '', $rem_dir, $true);
if($true == 0 && strlen($rem_dir) > 0) {$files_s=scandir($doc_root.$dir_add.'/');}
} $nxt=count($dir_fldrs);
while($nxt > 0) {
if(strlen($dir_fldrs[$nxt-1]) > 0) {
if (file_exists($dir_fldrs[$nxt-1])) {$files_l=scandir($dir_fldrs[$nxt-1].'/');}
if(strlen($files_l[2]) == 0) {
if (file_exists($dir_fldrs[$nxt-1])) {rmdir($dir_fldrs[$nxt-1]);}}}
if (file_exists($doc_root.$base_dir)) {$files_l=scandir($doc_root.$base_dir.'/');}
if(strlen($files_l[2]) == 0) {
if (file_exists($doc_root.$base_dir)) {rmdir($doc_root.$base_dir);}}

chdir ($doc_root);

$meta_refresh="<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"1;url=http://".$domain_name."/core/system/fortomb/secure/menu/gui_cms_menu/plugins.php\">";

Database entries must be deleted as well if any as seen above. This script must be placed into the root folder of the plug-in folder. Meta refresh is used to return to the GUI CMS Menu.